The Villa i Cipressi Estate was born in the mid-seventies when Hubert Ciacci decided to expand his father’s small beekeeping business. The turning point came in the 90s when Hubert acquired more land fuelled by the desire to produce olive oil and fine wines. Today, Hubert, Patrizia and their sons Dario and Federico , manage the entire estate, each in their own sectors. Hubert’s wealth of experience directs this big little family group which sees Federico coordinating the honey and wine production as oenologist, Dario managing the sales and marketing while Patrizia contributes asa the image consultant. The family’s love of nature and great ecological spirit has led to the choice of using solar power as a basic energy supply and to the desire to convert the estate’s production to the principals of organic agriculture.
Wine & honey tasting tour:
  • Tour of the winery with the explication of how we make the wine and to follow, the tasting of our wines.
  • Visit to the apiary with technical explanation of the production process combined with a tasting of all the types of honey that we produce.
  • The tour takes about 1,00 hour.
  • A reservation by email or telephone contact ,letting the details of the contact, is requested. We will reply to confirm you, date and hour accordingly.
43.0473536629067 11.490444010523
+39 0577 848640
Via Bellaria - Loc. Villa i Cipressi, Montalcino