Il Passaggio Ristorante resort | Ristoranti Montalcino
Restaurant resort
Il Passaggio
antipasto Boccon-Divino-Ristorante
Boccon Divino
Ristorante il-Giglio-Ristorante
Restaurant hotel
il Giglio
Bistecca Il-Pozzo-Trattoria
Il Pozzo
Area esterna The-Gusti-Bus-Street-food
Street food
The Gusti Bus
Homemade ice cream
Gelateria del Corso
Esterno Il-Pelo-nelluovo-Agriristorante
Il Pelo nell'uovo

Tips for Dining in Montalcino

Montalcino is a treasure trove of flavors, ranging from traditional Tuscan and local cuisine to more elaborate dishes that nonetheless incorporate the typical ingredients of the region.
Many establishments have been transformed into welcoming taverns or luxurious restaurants, offering enticing and tasty dishes made with local ingredients, accompanied by excellent Brunello or Rosso di Montalcino wines, depending on your preference.

Typical Restaurants:

In the town center, in addition to a warm and welcoming atmosphere, you can find typical dishes of the tradition, such as saffron tripe, wild boar stew, spit-roasted meats, anchovies in pesto, and the inevitable "pinci" pasta with sauce. All of this is accompanied by excellent desserts, partly inspired by Sienese tradition: "ossi di morto" cookies, Montalcino panforte, "brutti ma buoni" cookies, all made with traditional local ingredients.

Gourmet Restaurants:

Venturing beyond the town walls, if you're looking for a more intimate and special setting, you can find excellent locations within castles, ancient estates, or farm stays. These places often offer more elaborate alternatives to popular tradition, curated by Michelin-starred chefs. While sometimes reimagined in a contemporary key, they still manage to create the unique atmosphere that only the Tuscan countryside can provide.

About Dining